80mm standard
and lightweight (the longer one as shown in the pic.) binoculars are basically 15x70, but with 80mm objectives.
The lightweight 80mm are in the exact same style of 15x70:
rubberized body, the same Bak-4 prism and full broadband multi-coatings.
80mm lightweight are much lighter in weight (standard
2.0 kg, lightweight 1.8 kg) than the 80mm binoculars made by Japanese
or German manufacturers, and so some people may find they can even
handhold it for some time in the daylight. Starting
2004, the 80mm standard has been upgraded to triplet objective
(three-element objective) and then it has a center post with higned
rings. The triplet objective can improve the sharpness and
color correction. Just as 15x70, Chinese 80mm triplet and lightweight binoculars
represent the great value: high quality and unbeatable price.
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